Sixteen13 Ministry

Meet Pastor david

David served in the US Army for 21 years as a medic. While in the army he accepted Christ, and since then he has been a dedicated servant of our Lord. While being posted in Saudi Arabia, Korea, Somalia, and Iraq, he used his spare time to evangelize, and teach the local people about Christ. After retiring he moved to Mexico to go into full-time ministry. He is currently pastoring a church in Tehuacán. Through this church, he is leading bible study groups and is a very active evangelist. He is currently renting a church building and seeking support to build a church building on the land that has already been purchased so he is able to serve his congregation and his community.

Tom & Lisa Friesen have been involved in the ministry of discipleship and evangelism for the last six years. They lead an annual short term mission trip to Tehuacán, Mexico. During this trip they evangelize going door to door, prisons, schools, universities, and community centres. Working alongside the local churches to connect those who accept Christ, that they might be discipled by the local communities. David Morales Aviles has been an important part of their ministry in Tehuacán, acting as an interpreter, helping to organize the group, and connecting them with local churches, as well as doing follow up work after their term is finished in the city.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

JOHN 3:16